I was able to spend this weekend with my Mom, Grandma, and my sister Hydi, every year they attend Time Out for Women in Logan and I was so excited to join them. What I didn't expect was how much I would love it; I laughed, I cried, and I walked away with a strong desire to be better and do better. I may even find a way to attend the one in November, the speakers vary from event to event and there are only 2 from Logan who will be speaking again in St. George.
I will probably talk more about TOFW in upcoming posts, but right now I need to thank a few people:
*My husband Rob: You are the greatest, thanks for never hesitating when I talked to you about going, I am so grateful you love spending time with our kids!! I love you more than you will ever know.
*My Sister in Law Katie: Thanks for letting Rob and the kids crash at your house for the weekend and even more for watching my kids so Rob could go to the BYU/Utah game. You are amazing and we love you,Rob we owe you one big time, and I am so glad I get to call you my sister!!
*My Sister in Law Katie: Thanks for letting Rob and the kids crash at your house for the weekend and even more for watching my kids so Rob could go to the BYU/Utah game. You are amazing and we love you,
*My Mom, Sister and Grandma: thanks for letting me tag along and thanks for dragging me to a play even though I wanted to stay home and watch said game. The play was so much better than the game, good call, LOVE you all so much!!
*My Sister Hydi: thanks for letting me stay at your house, snuggle your baby, for feeding me, and for turning on your phone during said play to check the score of said game for me. You Rock, love you bunches!!
* All of the amazing presenters at Time Out for Women: thank you for taking the time to prepare and present such wonderful and inspirational messages, they were all wonderful and I am grateful you would be willing to give your time to share them with us. Thank you for helping me find the inspiration to become a better me!!

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