(Ms. Laguna Blue and Ms. Clawdeen Wolf)
It began like a typical Tuesday, I woke up early to get the kids where they needed to be and gathered my list of errands hoping I would be able to complete them in the 2 hours before Hannah was done with school.
Hannah was leaving on her first field trip, and although I am sad I missed it, I knew there was a bunch I needed to accomplish and I was going to be there for her Halloween party on Thursday. I did however sit in my car and watch for her to board the bus with my phone in hand to sneak a picture. There are 13 kids in Hannah's class and they were accompanied by 2 teachers and 7 parents, I left with my picture knowing she was in good hands.
I stopped at Target, Shopko, Einstein Bagel, and Walmart before heading back to the school, I gave myself a big pat on the back for completing my list. I picked up Hannah and we went to gas up the car in preparation for our Tuesday night activities and returned to pick up Hunter.
The girls were having a Halloween party at dance class so I got Hannah dressed in her costume and set everything out for Samantha to change into after Hannah was dropped off. I was so happy I was handling the busy Tuesday so well, another pat on the back for me as we walked out the door to start our afternoon of dropping off and picking up.
Hannah and I walked into dance class so I could wait for them to take pictures and then take her wig home with me so it didn't get damaged, it was then I realized I had dropped the ball. We were supposed to bring a treat for them to hand out when they had a class trick or treat, I felt horrible.
So with 30 minutes to spare I had Samantha hurry and put her costume on so we could take quick pictures and head back to dance class. We grabbed two bags of candy, and rushed to make it in time for Hannah to hand out her treats. We made it with 5 minutes to spare and Hannah didn't even notice I had forgot.
Thankfully everything worked out and my girls were happy, until they had to go sit through a wrestling meeting. Did I mention we added one more activity to our Tuesday nights? Hunter is now in wrestling and has practice every Tuesday.
Thankfully I married the most amazing husband and is taking over wrestling duty while I manage dance classes, and then coming home to take over the night time duties while I go to Young Women's.
I really couldn't do it all without him!!

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