I should be in bed, I am exhausted and my body is going to shut down at any minute, but for the first time all day I am sitting down and don't have anything I need to do, other than go to bed. Sure I could pack for mine and the sidekicks trip to visit my sister for fall break, or I could go to bed, but I am starting to get my second wind.
You see I have a love/hate relationship with Tuesday.
I hate how busy Tuesday's are, everything seems to be scheduled for Tuesday and I am running all day long.
But I also love my two hours in the morning when all three sidekicks are in school and I can get so many errands accomplished. Today I sat in Einstein Bagels eating a cinnamon and sugar bagel with pumpkin cream cheese drinking a diet coke. I had my calendar with me and I started to figure out the rest of our month.
I may add this to my schedule every Tuesday, it was relaxing and I was able to figure out my week.
I also did some shopping and I didn't have to ask anyone to stay with me or not touch anything, it was awesome!!
And I love spending Tuesday night with the Young Women, they make me laugh and are the most amazing girls.
I love my calling.
Now that I am home, the kids are all in bed and everything is cleaned up I should also be in bed catching up on sleep. Instead I am pinning away over on Pinterest, writing this blog post, and also thinking I should watch the Colbert Report since I haven't had time yet today.
Maybe I will be good and just go to bed, but I wouldn't count on it.

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