We had a big plan for Christmas Eve, we would hike into the Hot Pots early in the morning, and then later that night we would head over to our friends house for Christmas Eve Fondue. I was very excited for this plan until we realized it was going to be cold. When we left our house that morning at 8:30 it was 12 degrees outside, I began to wonder if we were crazy. When we got to the trail head our cars told us it was zero degrees outside, at this point I knew we were crazy.

Instead of turning back we bundled everyone up and started on our 2 1/2 mile hike in. The kids were troopers and hiked in despite how cold it was, I won't say there wasn't any whining, but for the situation they did awesome. And when we did finally make it my kids couldn't strip down fast enough and jump in.

After everyone got the fill of swimming (aka the mommies were cold and ready to go back) we tried to hurry and dry off, and put clothes back on as fast as possible. We then hiked the 2 1/2 miles back out. After all the hiking the kids were so happy to see our cars again, and we were happy to see the temperature had gone up 20 degrees.

After a much needed nap we headed to Dan and Crystal's for fondue, I had never had real fondue so I was excited, we also had not eaten since breakfast so we were starving. They had the best spread, the cheese was delicious (I could have eaten nothing but bread and cheese and been happy), the meat was amazing, and the chocolate fountain was a huge hit.

We all left with huge smiles and very full bellies!! (Thanks again Dan and Crystal for inviting us!!)

We returned home and we all got to open our Christmas eve pajamas (Rob and I got slippers this year).

After the kids were showered and ready for bed we all snuggled on the couch to watch The Grinch cartoon before we ushered the sidekicks off to bed.

Hannah decided to leave Santa some chocolate dipped fruit she had made and he must have liked it because our tree looked pretty full the next morning.

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