(two of the cutest holiday elfs)
My hunt started the Monday before Black Friday, we had put together a list of what we wanted to get the sidekicks for Christmas and had started buying what we could. I knew the dolls I wanted for the girls were going on sale on Black Friday so I crossed my fingers I could find them.
Walmart didn't have the specific ones I was looking for so I left empty handed and my hunt continued. I have been checking online and every store I go into since then only to come up empty handed. I saw Target had them listed as in stock late Saturday night and rushed up there only to again leave empty handed. I planned on going back today hoping to find someone else a little more helpful.
This morning when I was saying my prayers I asked for something I thought was extremely silly and a waste of the Lord's time when there are so many more important things people need help with. I didn't know if I should be asking for help finding the dolls, but I asked anyway, and explained how I knew it was silly to be asking, but it would really mean a lot if I could find these dolls for my girls.
After another unsuccessful stop at Target I headed to Toys R Us ready to throw in the towel and just find them something else. I wanted to be done shopping and didn't want to try and hunt them down anymore, I am not that kind of shopper, I get what I need and then get out as quickly as possible.
I headed straight back to the aisle where I knew the dolls were located thinking of other options I had and couldn't believe my eyes when I got there. In front of me were four dolls left on the shelf and 2 of them were the ones I was after. I almost started crying in the isle, yes I know they are just dolls, but I was so thankful.
I asked Rob if I was being ridiculousness (because his opinion is really the only one that matters), and he told me even though they are just toys and really don't matter in the grand scheme of things, it was still important to me. I was so grateful for the reminder that no matter how silly I think my request is, my Heavenly Father cares about me and blesses me every day.
I want it to be Christmas tomorrow, I can't wait for the girls to open their gifts. I know years from now they may not remember what they got this year for Christmas but I know I won't ever forget, or forget the blessing that accompanied that gift.

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