The Friday night after Thanksgiving, also known as Grandismas Eve, the Grandkids decorated the tree for my parents entryway. Grandma pulled out her ornaments and the Grandkids added on their paper chain they made last year along with their salt dough ornaments and made room for the frames they had made earlier in the day.

After the tree was decorated and our stomachs stuffed with some really good food, (which may have involved some deep fried oreo's and candy bars) we were onto another Davidson tradition, Grandismas Eve PJ's and a Christmas story.

Grandpa usually reads the story but he couldn't find his glasses so Grandma took over.

After the story we tucked the kiddos into bed and broke out the fingernail polish, hair dye, card games, and Just Dance 3. That's right we adults know how to party!!

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