(Crown Burger, one of the many places we have eaten out at this year, SO GOOD!!)
One of my goals for the new year is to be more prepared, organized, and also to cook more. I used to plan an entire menu for two weeks, do all the grocery shopping, and then we would always have a home cooked meal and food in our pantry. This year I have been throwing a huge tantrum about the kitchen I have, toss in a few medical problems, and mix in being back in Utah and near some of our favorite places to eat, and you get a family who did not eat many home cooked meals in 2011.
The other night, determined to make a change, I sat down and planned the menu through January 6th (on the 6th I will start planning every two weeks following our paydays). I did all of my shopping yesterday and managed to somehow cram all the food into our tiny fridge, freezer, and pantry. I mentioned on Facebook that I was starting to feel more like myself again and hopefully I will have the motivation to keep it up.
A couple things to note abut our menu plan: every Wednesday in the winter is soup night, Friday is pizza night and Tuesday's are usually busy so I try to do a crockpot meal.
I don't have many links for the recipes, I will try and post them as I go along, but if you want them before then you can email me and I will send them to you.
Tursday, Dec. 22nd: Leftover Minestrone
Friday, Dec. 23rd: Pizza
Saturday, Dec 24th: Fondue at friends house
Sunday, Dec. 25th: Ham, cheesy potatoes, bacon wrapped green beans, rolls
Monday Dec. 26th: Dinner at my parents
Tuesday Dec. 27th: Leftovers
Wednesday, Dec 28th: Chicken noodle soup
Thursday, Dec 29th: Meatloaf
Friday, Dec. 30th: Pizza
Saturday, Dec. 31st: New Year's Eve Party
Sunday, Jan. 1st: Dinner at Rob's Sisters
Monday, Jan. 2nd: Tacos
Tuesday, Jan 3rd: Italian Chicken in the Crockpot
Wednesday, Jan 4th: Creamy Potato Soup
Thursday, Jan. 5th: Beef Stroganoff
Friday, Jan. 6th: Pizza

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