For the last few years I have battled bad moods and exhaustion, sure there were lots of things going on, but I just wasn't dealing with them like I felt I should. I didn't want to admit I had depression, because I don't like ever admitting anything is wrong with me (thank you perfectionist personality), and depression just sounds so bad.
I visited with my doctor a couple years ago and they ran some tests only to have the results come back with nothing wrong. So I just tried to deal with everything the best I could determined it was something I should be able to handle if I was just a bit stronger.
Ever since my ectopic pregnancy last year I have struggled with the aftermath, the pain, crazy emotions, and exhaustion. When it was finally to much to bear I visited my doctor, she decided to run tests again to see if she could find the answer.
This time she ran one test that hadn't been done before, it came back to report my Vitamin D was at 16 when it should have been at 60. The nurse who called with the results asked if I was tired, I told her all the time, and she said the low Vitamin D levels were the cause.
When talking to my Dad he told me many hospitals usually won't run this test because insurance companies won't pay for it, but it is one of the most common deficiencies people have. Friday night I took my second of eight weekly doses of Vitamin D before I go to a normal dose, and it has made a world of difference.
My mood has improved and I have the energy to make it through my day and the tasks I need to accomplish. I was driving home from picking up our Saturday morning donuts when the thought came, "I have a really great life", I stopped because I was so shocked, I can't remember the last time I actually felt that way.
But despite the challenges we are facing right now I can honestly say I do have a great life and I am thankful to finally feel that way again. I am so happy to see things improving in myself, and I know my family is also very grateful that I am feeling better.
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