I needed a break today and I desperately needed to get out of the house. I love my babies but the fighting, oh the constant fighting, it was starting to drive me batty. Maybe we have just all spent too much time together, I love how much fun we have had, but sometimes they just need a break from each other.
Since that break was no where in sight I decided taking them on a little adventure to Trafalga, only they still found ways to fight. Like who got to sit where, what we were going to do next, and also who got to go first on every hole of mini golf. And then there was the time Samantha thought it would be funny to take off Hannah's shoes on one of the rides and Hannah couldn't get them back on in time to go again, cue the major meltdown.

We stopped at Artic Circle to grab a Sundae, our favorite, before calling it a day.
I also thought, since we were right there, it would be a great idea to drag three kids into a store to buy myself a new pair of pants, never again I tell ya, never again.
Two weeks until school starts, but who is counting?
Looks like SUCH a fun day! Iris' sibling isn't here yet, and even if she was, they wouldn't be old enough to fight YET--BUT I still know exactly what you mean about needing to get out of the house! I can't wait for the days when these are the kinds of awesome adventures we get to go on! What a fun mom!
the Reverie blog
When in doubt, just stuff their cute little pie-holes with ice cream.