We had a pretty big storm brewing this morning. My cousins in Salt Lake were posting pictures of snow and I was counting my lucky stars we didn't get any, at least not yet.
But I promised I would not complain about any storm that happened after Hannah's birthday because we were blessed with the most beautiful day on March 14th, which was important because all Hannah wanted for her birthday was a barbecue, to roast marshmallows over the fire, and make smores.
I worried the weather would be junky and my sweet little six year old would be disappointed, but it was the most gorgeous day this year, and for that we are so very thankful!!
But I must back up because there was so much that happened before the actual family party.

Since it is an even year Hannah was able to have a friends party. She wanted to take three of her friends to Chuck E Cheese for pizza and games. Of course I agreed, she was taking it very easy on me. We went the day before her birthday and the place was empty. She loved it and had a ton of fun playing games with her friends.

On the morning of her birthday she was able to open one present, we always hope it will keep them satisfied until the night when she gets to open the rest. She picked out Hunter's present, the Mom to her Brave doll, she was so excited and carried them with her everywhere we went!!
She didn't have school, but we did have to go to parent teacher conference, thankfully she was OK with that, until we started talking to her teacher about how she was doing. Poor thing was beet red the entire time.
We then headed to Artic Circle to have lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Davidson, and then back home to get ready for her family party that night.

(this picture looks like Hunter pushed his cousin, but I am pretty sure they were trying to do flips)

We were very grateful to all of our family who came, and we missed all those who could not make it!!

Hannah took it very easy on me, for dinner we had Hamburgers and Hotdogs, which is easy because Rob does all the cooking and I get to sit back and relax because all of my prep work was already done.
(Thanks Mom for your help!!)

She could not wait to open her presents and wanted to do it at the first of the party, but was willing to try and be patient and open them after we ate dinner.

Continuing with the "easy" theme of the night, she didn't want a cake, just smores, so I took her to the Sweet Tooth Fairy to pick out a cupcake so she could blow out her number 6 candle.

And so we didn't miss out on our big first bite tradition (and picture).

The smores bar was a huge hit with the kids and adults.

It was a fun night, and she was a very happy and tired girl at the end. I had to sneak away at 8 for Hunter and Samantha's parent teacher conferences and when I returned home at 8:30 she was begging me to say family prayers so she could go to bed.
It is hard for me to believe my baby is 6, she is growing up so fast, they all are.
Birthday's always remind me that the days are long but the years are very short, and I should really try to enjoy it as much as possible!!
Happy Birthday Baby Girl, we sure love you!!
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