The warmer weather is upon us and that means we have once again become a hiking family, and this Mom has not been very high spirited about the entire thing. My Sister in Law mentioned going to Yuba Lake this Saturday, saying the water will still be cold, but it would just be nice to stick our toes in the sand and roast hot dogs and marshmallows on the beach.
I agreed and then may have blurted out: "Sweet, that means I will get a break from hiking this weekend."
Rob may have then threatened to still get one in that morning.
Our first hike of the season was Y mountain, I think I forget every year how much I don't love this hike. The switchbacks are STEEP, and my shins were hurting for days after.
BUT, it is so amazing when we finally reach the top of the Y. I look out over the valley and remember why I love doing this hike every year.
I am always in awe that I actually get to live here surrounded by so much beauty!!
Hannah decided that she was going to make it all the way to the top and was in the lead for the majority of the hike. This was such a change from last year when we practically had to drag her up the mountain. I was so proud of her, and she was rewarded with choosing our lunch destination, McDonald's.
Hunter always runs back down the trail, really it is hard not too, and this time was no different.
The girls were so cute and walked down the trail hand in hand chatting about Monster High and Lalaloopsy dolls.
I sure do love these kids of mine.

(I can't find the rest of my pictures, I will have to see if I missed any on Rob's phone and Samantha's iPod)
Someone had posted motivational quotes on each switchback sign, Samantha took pictures of them all, but this was her favorite.
I love that top picture of you. Your smile is contagious, and you are just gorgeous!