Halloween this year was interesting, if you really want to read the entire saga you can scroll down after the pictures and read all about it. I for one am very glad we are done with that day.
Despite everything my kids had a great time, I am thankful to all of our family who made sure that was the case.

I don't know how many houses Uncle Nase took them too, but those kids had very full bags when they returned home that night!! And from what I heard, they all fell asleep pretty quickly!!
I think that means Halloween was a success.
***Our Halloween Saga***
It has been 10 days, I think I can safely talk about Halloween without wanting to pull my hair out or scream at someone....
Our house was supposed to be done on the 15th, so we let our landlords know we would be out by the end of the month. Well the 15th came and went and our house was not done, no biggie right, we still have over two weeks of wiggle room. And then the 30th came, we failed inspection, and all the sudden we were looking at being homeless for an unkown amount of time
I had promised the kids that no matter what we would have a fun Halloween, and it killed me to have to break that promise. All the fun I had planned for the day was scratched and instead we spent the day packing a moving truck and cleaning out our rental.
Our landlords pushed to get someone in there November 1st, so we did not have any wiggle room, we had to be moved out. On top of that, he wanted to get someone over to clean the carpets before they moved in and I told him the afternoon would work so he scheduled it for 12:30 and didn't let me know this until the night before. I guess I should be thankful he didn't send them over the day before like he was pushing for. We also found out later that night the new renters were not moving in until Saturday, we were not very happy. I could go into all kinds of crap we have dealt with, but I am just grateful we no longer have to deal with him or that house, good luck new tenants.
Rob took the day off so we could load the truck and get everything cleaned out. We figured our stuff would have to stay in a UHaul truck until we could move in and we would just pray it wasn't in there very long.
Rob's sister agreed to let us stay with them Thursday night, we didn't want to stay and be a burden for very long, so we decided to worry about a place to stay on Friday when we had more information and focus on the job that needed to be done right then.
Together the two of us loaded everything from the house into the truck, thank goodness for all those weight lifting classes, and then thankfully Rob's Dad came to help load the few things left in the house and all the stuff in the garage while I cleaned.
By 12:30 I had everything off of the carpets with only the kitchen left to be cleaned.
When the carpet cleaner showed up we ran our final load to the DI, grabbed some lunch, and then it was time to get back to work and pick up the kids from school.
After I picked the kids up from school I took the girls to Katie's house and brought Hunter back to help Rob. I finished cleaning the kitchen and then took Hunter to Katie's so he could go Trick or Treating.
My Sister in Law Katie is my hero. She is 9 months pregnant and did so much for us!! I owe her big time!!
I should also mention that Katie's husband Nase is also my hero, he was not feeling well and came over to help Rob haul a trailer of stuff to the house and then took all the kids Trick or Treating while I went back to help Rob finish everything.
I also have to thank my Mother in Law who helped take care of my kids, get them bathed, and in bed.
By 10:00 pm we had everything packed and the other stuff dropped off at our house. Rob then went to our house to fix a few things until almost 2 in the morning, only to then get up at 6:30 so we could pick up Daisey, Max, and the truck from the rental before the new tenants and the landlord came to the house.
I have never been so happy to leave a rental, even faced with not having anywhere to go, I would no longer have to deal with all the issues in the house and the smell. Rob and I walked around smelling all of our stuff for the first few days after we moved in to make sure that we didn't bring the smell with us.
Friday at 11:00 we received a text that our house had passed inspection and we could move in, Best. News. Ever.
Prayers were definitely answered over and over again, and I am so grateful for family, friends, and all the support we have been given throughout this entire process!!
We are surrounded by a lot of work that still needs to be done, but I think that is part of the blessing of owning a home.
That sounds incredibly stressful, but look at how adorable your kids look! :)