When I first decided for Day 5 of Holy Week we would wash each other's feet and enjoy a simple Passover meal I thought my kids would have a fit. I mean how dare I make them wash each other's feet, this is just gross!! Rob and I decided we would have everyone draw names out of a bowl to stop any complaints, but when we told the kids what we were doing they were so excited we didn't need to draw names.
My friend sells Doterra and gave me a few sample vials of the Wild Orange and once they were done washing they dried and "anointed" their feet, everyone agreed it smelled "SOOO GOOOD!!"
We discussed that Jesus washed his disciples feet because he loved them and wanted to be an example of service.
Hannah loved it so much she volunteered to wash my feet and Rob's.

My plan for dinner was to have fish, grapes, naan, honey, and grape sparkling cider. The only problem was we needed to eat some pork chops that were in the fridge and a pineapple before they went bad so we improvised. We did have the naan and sparkling cider (although not grape) to represent wine and discussed the first sacrament. It worked, but seriously next year we will do better.
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