When the Vietnam vets came home from war they were not treated very well, it is a big mistake in our history, because all vets deserve our love and respect for all they do to protect our freedoms, no matter how controversial the war may be. Because of this there are many communities who are trying to fix this and give these vets the welcome home they deserved.
Bonnie planned a surprise family celebration for Sam to give him the recognition he deserved for his service. Sam has some very funny, and very heart wrenching stories from his time spent in Vietnam and it was a great celebration where he could share and be celebrated for his service and sacrifice.
Hannah and I were not able to be there because we had to be at a team building ropes course for dance, but we came as soon as we could in time for a family picture. Thankfully Rob's cousin Traci took some pictures that I could steal.

The light was so pretty at the end of the night we had some fun trying to figure out the jumping pictures. I think we have some work to do.
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