The first day of school was on Monday, well Samantha's first day of school, Hunter starts tomorrow and Hannah starts the Thursday after Labor Day. But I let Hunter and Hannah wear one of their school outfits because I am nice like that (and really who wants to fight first thing on a Monday).
We had our traditional McDonald's breakfast before taking Rob to work and dropping Samantha off at school. Samantha was so excited to get to school she asked if we could skip breakfast and she could just ride the bus. But being the great Mom I am, I made her have breakfast with the family so I could drive her.
We had our traditional McDonald's breakfast before taking Rob to work and dropping Samantha off at school. Samantha was so excited to get to school she asked if we could skip breakfast and she could just ride the bus. But being the great Mom I am, I made her have breakfast with the family so I could drive her.
Hunter and Hannah were thrilled to wear their new clothes, Hannah HAD to have this outfit there was no changing her mind. Although Rob and I stopped to get a drink the other night and there was a lady at the redbox wearing only leggings, I had to pipe off with my "leggings are not pants" and Rob just laughed: "You know that is going to be Hannah in a few years if you don't get her to start liking normal pants".
Last year Samantha filled out this "Proud to be Me" worksheet, I loved it so much I was determined to have her fill it out every year for as long as she will cooperate.
(again spelling and wording are just how she wrote it)
* My favorite subject at school is sience
* If I could go anyplace in the world, it would be Alaska
* When I grow up I want to be a Rockstar and write great songs.
* My favorite animal is a Dog
* A hobby I enjoy is Camping, Hiking, Rosting Marshmellos
* My favorite meal is Salmon
* The best thing about me is I love school
* The next best thing about me is I love my family
* I think I am really good at Math
* I think I need to improve at Muliplilactoin and cursve

When we got to school I asked Samantha if she would like to be dropped off or did she want me to walk in with her. You could see she was a bit nervous and asked if I would walk her in, I was secretly happy to know sometimes she still needs her Mom.
When she got into class there were some familiar faces and she seemed a little more comfortable, she put her stuff away, kissed me good bye. and then headed to her seat to start her first day.
I still can't believe she is already in the 3rd grade!!
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