Hello Wednesday, my comfy sweats, wool socks, and I thank you for your arrival. We have had a busy but fun last few days, there was so much going on I am just going to do one big random catch up post with lots of pictures from my phone.

They said it would snow sometime during the night and into Saturday so we made a trip to Costco. We browsed the isles, stocked up on food, and brought home a new Hot Chocolate maker, some of the cutest mugs around, and a giant tub of Hot Chocolate. We were ready for the snow, which didn't turn into much.
I also bought some Pumpkin ice cream because a scoop of that in Hot Chocolate is amazing!!

Rob headed out duck hunting, he was like a kid on Christmas Eve because the weather was going to be bad and that makes for great hunting weather. He always asks if I want to go with him but getting up early to go and sit in the cold does not sound like a good time to me, thankfully Hunter is always game.
(this picture is from a couple weeks ago but still equally cute)
(this picture is from a couple weeks ago but still equally cute)
I spent the morning at a Poppy Seed Project class and made the most beautiful picture of the St. George Temple, I LOVE it and can't wait to find somewhere better to hang it. I want to rearrange the picture wall in the family room but we are waiting to see how long we will be here before I take everything down and patch holes only to make new ones.
That afternoon I was able to go to a baptism for one of the Young Women in our ward, I love baptisms and this one was no different. She is an amazing girl and I am so happy for her and her decision to be baptized. Have I mentioned how great my calling is to be able to serve these awesome Young Women?
Other pictures from Saturday:
We may not have gotten a lot of snow but it was COLD, which didn't stop Samantha from playing outside with her friend. She bundled up really good and stayed out until almost dark. (the kitty ears are a must to any winter outfit)
Hannah told us to be quite because her babies were sleeping, Rob and I questioned if Snow White was really getting a good nap in that position, but I guess it is her favorite place to take a nap.
I was able to have dinner with some of my roommates, this is 6 of the 11 tree house girls. It was so great to see them, I wish it could have been all of us but I will take what I can get. Brittney brought us Vegemite from Australia to try, it was so salty but Rob actually liked it.
I still can't believe it has been 11 years since we all first met, now we are all married with kids of our own, who thankfully had lots of fun playing together.
Sunday night I posted on Facebook that I was done making excuses, it was time to get back into my morning workouts, and then I woke up every hour Sunday night, but at 5:25am I pulled myself out of bed and headed out for my kickboxing class. I then came home cleaned my house, got all the laundry washed, folded and put away. By dinner time I was so tired so Rob rescued me and got cereal for the girls and breakfast burritos for us and Bubba. The kids were in bed shortly after 8 and we followed an hour later.
Today brought its normal run around schedule, we had Young Women in Excellence and I was trying to finish what needed to be done. The night turned out amazing, I really do have the greatest calling being able to serve in Young Women's. We were worried about how the night would turn out and how many girls would end up coming. You would think I would learn from all the years of helping with the Primary Program, no matter how crazy things seem the Lord's hand is always in it and things will turn out perfectly. I sat in awe of the girls as they talked about what they have done in personal progress, they have such strong testimonies and I think I learn more from them then they learn from me.
I will have to post more about our night in Excellence later, in just a few short months I have developed a new love for the 13th Article of Faith.
Side Note: Hunter had wrestling practice and did really well so Rob told him he could have anything he wanted for dinner, he chose a breakfast burrito and ate the entire thing himself. They are HUGE and I usually split one with him but I am sure this is a preview of what is to come with food and my not so little boy.
Today/Wednesday:Side Note: Hunter had wrestling practice and did really well so Rob told him he could have anything he wanted for dinner, he chose a breakfast burrito and ate the entire thing himself. They are HUGE and I usually split one with him but I am sure this is a preview of what is to come with food and my not so little boy.
No workout for me this morning, I decided Wednesday is my day off, so here I sit in my sweats super comfy and loving it. And since it is my day off I also ate a leftover cupcake for breakfast, it was delicious!!
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