This weekend was LDS General Conference, it is one of my two favorite weekends of the year. On Saturday and Sunday we are able to be taught by living Apostles of the Lord and the messages are always uplifting and full of answers to my prayers. I love it!!

Because of the baby shower on Saturday I didn't get to listen to many of the talks that day, but I plan on going back and listening to some of them, the rest I will wait until the Ensign comes out.
Sunday I was able to listen to both sessions and I walked away with courage to put my fears aside and trust in the Lord's plan for me, something that is not easy for me and I am constantly working on.
I am already looking forward to April and I have a few ideas in mind to help make it special for our family.
*We will be doing the countdown again!!
*I want to make conference journals for the kids to take notes in
(we did this for Stake conference and it helped them to pay attention)
*Have different bowls of candy that they can eat when certain words or subjects are talked about.
* Sunday morning cinnamon rolls
(we didn't do it this year because we were out of town)
My goal is for my kids to love conference weekend and appreciate all it has to offer in their lives..0
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