Samantha turned 11, and I would love to freeze time, I think this is by far my favorite age. She is so smart, very responsible, a huge help around here, and so loving and kind. She loves to make crafts and is wanting to learn to cook so she loved helping with all of her birthday prep.
Rob and her have a tradition of heading to Sundance for a day of skiing, she was so thrilled the dry spell had ended and they had received about 8 inches of fresh powder, thank you Mother Nature for the wonderful birthday present!! She was also happy that Leka was able to join in on the fun.
They were so excited that morning to get to Sundance so we quickly opened one present and they scarfed down her chosen breakfast cereal of Trix before heading out the door.
While she was gone I got to work prepping for her party that night, this was the first birthday in the new house and I had a bit too much fun decorating and making all the party supplies.
She started with just wanting yellow and turquoise decorations but then decided she also wanted Minions. I feel like we are walking a very thin line between her still being my little girl and her growing up into a teenager.
She also chose to have a potato bar for dinner and stick with her traditional ice cream cake. Which, not to toot my own horn, but it was AMAZING!!

She of course got all of the new Monster High dolls, I think that is also a Birthday tradition, an 18" doll, an air hockey table, and a new guitar. Rob is going to teach her how to play the guitar and she is so excited.
It was a good birthday and we are all so grateful that Samantha is a part of our family!!
I love all of her expressions of surprise! So adorable!