On March 14th my baby turned 7, I really thought this one was going to be rough but thankfully it wasn't, but check back with me next year when Samantha turns 12 and Hannah turns 8.
Hannah was so excited for her birthday, I took donuts into her class the day before her birthday, she got to skip school for her birthday, and I was bombarded with questions about the details of Hannah's birthday and why she got to miss school. She must have been talking non stop about it at school too.
She woke up on her birthday and was so excited, I was laughing about our conversation all day.
Hannah: Like an older person.
Me: That is what a good nights sleep will do for you.
H: I couldn't even handle it, I was so excited!!!
Me: You didn't sleep?
H: No because it was my birthday tomorrow.
We sure love that girl and the life she brings into our home.
She helped me that morning to decorate her cupcakes while we waited for Grandma Davidson and then headed for lunch with Dad before going to paint teacups.

We came home and made her dinner of choice, hot dogs and mac and cheese, and then had family join us for cupcakes, ice cream, and presents.

Despite my best effort she was spoiled rotten, but she was the most excited for her new art station. I designed the desk and Rob drew up the plans and then built it for her.
My little artist has made many creations to decorate my walls.
It was a good birthday and we are so grateful for our little Hannah.
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