On Saturday our neighbors, who we are lucky enough to also call our friends, invited us out for a morning on their boat. We were all so excited!! The weather and the water were perfect for swimming and for all the fun we had planned.
Rob hasn't wake-boarded for over 12 years, he thought he would be a bit rusty but instead he got right up and in my opinion looked pretty dang good.
He was also a champ and was dragged behind Samantha and Hunter on the knee board so they could stay upright, and then stayed in the water to try and help Samantha get up on the skis.
She was so close and maybe with a bit more practice she will have it, she can't wait to try again and now Hunter is begging to learn.
Rob also tried the Wake Skate, which he has never done, but he got right up and really had fun with it.
At the end we pulled out the tube and each took a turn in it, even I did and I don't love riding on anything being dragged behind a boat. I am thrilled just to be riding in the boat and taking pictures. Rob said I looked like I was going to cry the entire time and Samantha kept reassuring me that we were going to be just fine.

Seriously, we couldn't have asked for a better Saturday. We are so grateful to have such good friends who will let us tag along on all their fun!!
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