We spent the weekend in St. George helping my parents move, snuggling my sweet new nephew Bentley, and securing my spot as his favorite aunt. I am head over heels in love with that cute boy.

Monday the kids and I had the day off so I painted Samantha's room with a can of paint we found in my parents storage room. It was close enough to the color she wanted that we went with it. Oh man it is bright, but she loves it.

Tuesday Samantha headed up to Sundance to go skiing, Hunter and Hannah went to school, and I went back to work. But first we had to try out my new selfie stick.

Rob spent Tuesday night putting up the blinds in my great room windows. I am so loving them and how nice they make the room look.

Did I mention Raquel broke her arm today while they were at Sundance on her first run down. Poor girl she has been looking forward to snowboarding all year and now she can't go with Samantha on her birthday. They are both pretty disappointed.

Tuesday night we took the Beehives out to do a random act of service. They wrote notes in balloons and then we went to Costco and gave them to random strangers. It was so much fun and we all enjoyed retelling our stories when we got back to the church.

I took Hannah to pick up her new bifocal lens. They were showing her how to use them, she covered up the good eye, and started reading the small print on the paper. We all stood in amazement as she read. I am so hopeful for better eye sight.

Wednesday was the first day of tech club after school and Hunter loved every minute of it. They are designing cookie cutters that will be printed on a 3D printer and Hunter wanted to practice drawing in the program they were using so his would be perfect.

I had Rob frame up Samantha's bedroom window before he left town for the weekend so I can paint while he is gone. Framing the windows has been a bit of work but I am so in love with them when they are done that I don't mind at all. Just wish I had more time so I could finish the 9 we have left upstairs.

Thursday Hunter woke up with a cough, I kept him home from school and then worked from home. I love having a job that will be flexible and understanding when I need to be with my kids.

I took blinds into Home Depot to get them trimmed down and thankfully they could. The girls were in heaven because I dropped them off at the mall to shop while I went to Home Depot. Thank heavens for texting so I always knew where they were.

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